Focus on: Gary Bunt


We recently sold two paintings by well-loved British artist Gary Bunt in our Fine Sale. Usually slap dash inscribed with humorous poems on the reverse of the canvases, Bunt’s paintings largely depict local scenes of the English suburbs and countryside. Despite the lack of poems of both paintings shown here, the artists' recognisble scribbled scrawl marks the reverse. Lot 74 titled ‘A Gentleman and his Dogs’ which sold for £3400 is typical of the recognisable ‘Bunt style’, showing an English country farmer in a Barbour jacket, flat cap and wellies, a little rabbit peeking out from behind an apple tree and two dogs. These playful paintings portray classically rural English scenes and capture the small bits that make up England and its quirks.


Born in 1957 in East Peckham, Bunt was inspired by Modern British artists such as The Bloomsbury and St. Ives groups. The inspiration for his works come from his upbringing. Bunt’s background history is of interest to those who delve into the artist’s life; an aspiring rock star, he came to painting in his late thirties and decided to take painting up fully after being diagosed with an illness.  His works are fun and colourful and capture English country life splendidly. 

Focus on: Gary Bunt

Also sold was the painting shown to the left titled ‘Lovers by the Sea’ for £2200.

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Posted 9 May 2024

By James in General






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